Plz give peace A cHance....

Israel has been pounding tonnes of bombs over lebanon & the great world powers are probably waiting for a nuclear attack by Israel before calling for ceasefire....ok u have the world's only super-power as ur godfather but it simply doesn't give ya any right to kill & maim people just on the basis of their religion & ethincity... I would like to add Auschwitz should have never happened...never In human history a tragedy so gruesome fell upon humanity... but should Hiroshima-Nagasaki should have been allowed after this tragedy...or countless riots that engulf our own India...or guerilla warfare goin on infinitely in Africa,,,, WHY do Israel wants to add upon the miseries of people... U can Kill terrorists but not Terrorism... For that a meaningful dialogue is the only solution... We have future of young & innocent people on our hands....
We shall find peace,
We shall hear angels,
We shall see the sky sparkling with diamonds.
hope pakistan people also get the facts straight,,,the blame game can go on & on ...but is it worth it? kashmir has been ruined by stubborness & idiocity of politicians ,military generals,IsI, RaW and guess what not... kashmiris have their beautiful lives ruined & we are still baying for each other's blood...
Mumbai blasts & Karachi blasts are two sides of same coin... Fundamentalism threatens to blow of the secular society of India & pakistan...
So can US & other Great countries(DAMN) stand up for once & all and give peace a Chance,,, I guess not... It's for us to stand up and be a Change-Agent...
"The peace makers shall be called the children of God"- BIbLE
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