I am changing my Job
Well Google might be a favorite on college campuses for lonely techies including me but I want to shift from software services over to
Lonely Heart Massage Services.
Aahhh Life!!!!
Google Dont Be evil
Well I am one of those guys whose day starts with Google and ends with Google. My homepage is Google and I religiously follow all the stuff about Google. But it seems the Monopoly Syndrome has hit it and it's going as boring as others in market.
My grouse
I understand things get tough at many levels but all I could help but compare it to was
Orkut's No DONUT to You. Gosh that was damn funny.
Come on Google, throw something better at me. I am waiting.
For all the guys.... & females to.....
How freakin cool is this

well I also caught a signboard hanging on the railing near a red light, that went like "
Agar Naari Sataye tuh humein Batayae". English translation goes like "
If ur women nags u, just tell us", but English translation grabs the fun out of the whole line.
Well my agenda will be to get a high quality snap as soon as possible.
Life's Beautiful even though my company hr people are cheating me on my salary front chanting the latest Rupee- Dollar not so good relation.
I work hard, i.e. pretend to work really hard, then spend the last hour of office deciding what to write in my summary of work.
Social life is going great as I have sunday nights as work nights.
Personal life is also awesome as I have no wives who will nag me.
All peace out...... Enough ranting
Chuck De Movie Masala!!
Well every blog sings paeans about how Chak Deh India is a path breaking movie which will make Indian's a better community and team. But given my dysfunctional mind I could not help but think if some Bollywood Masala was sprinkled on the movie what would be the outcome. Maybe I see a budding filmmaker in me, whose talent has not been discovered but I am sure after reading this entry my phone won't stop ringing
Scenario 1: Shahrukh has a "Heart Mein Hole"
Now wouldn't girls be super charged emotionally now :P You can't just miss the the intensity they would be displaying when they know there coach is gonna die just after the final whistle. The classic "KAL HOON NAH HOON MOMENT" :D
Scenario 2: A couple of lovers in the team.
Now people progressive zamana hain, I am sure a few couples would do no harm to the story setup. The movie can bring in more jazz now.
Scenario 3: Aussies Inspired by Brand India
Imagine that Aussies are totally floored by Indian traditional values and start Namastefying. They take on field wearing saaris and yes you know Indians can be darn smart, so they beat the Aussies at there own game wearing shorts.
Scenario 4: Girl's Parivaar
In true blue fashion the player's families and wannabe hubby accompany the team. I can wait to imagine the tons of tears that would flood the whole of Australia.
Scenario 5: Kahaani mein twist---LOCATION change
Why can't the world's hockey championship be held in our Government School Grounds. The kids can really a dash of color and variety to the whole razmatazz. And I bet they can have give better commentary than the guy repeating mono syllables in the commentary part.
Scenario 6: Time Sift---5 or 15 years
Now yours truly is a total disaster who follows the changing fortunes of almost every Saas-Bhau serial(sic....) So I would suggest a time shift ranging 5 to 15 years. I can't miss the fun that would permeate from old ladies taking on to field and getting ready for their daily soap fix.
Well I could go on and on and on but I gotta bug someone else now.
Me to Myself
This blog is like my personal diary where I rant and reflect about my life. Maybe this is the only place where I talk to myself, face myself & try to prove and improve. I was like going through some old entries and many old memories flooded my mind. The who-cares-college-guy who dreams big and is always getting into a variety of troubles has probably grown a wee bit to be considered as employable and given some responsibility by an organization. Life has been a like a broken down car on GT karnal road, everything moves on the highway and I am looking on everything goes. Friends that stayed, friends that moved on, colleagues who come up to the moment and a few who illustrate why it's called a corporate jungle. Going back to her who I thought needed me now but getting what I had got last time made me contemplate what in store for me. Maybe I am still immature, but for a change I am cool with it. I really couldn't care less. Eventually better things are lined down the road. Maybe it's human nature to worry about future, as for my future I know it's out there somewhere.
Corporate Lesson No. 42777338
"Thy shalt must keep tho interests at the top,
Their are no friends here,
Rather thou sell your soul and conscience for your master"
I find it rather funny that all the management books are full of sagas of ethics and accountability but the reality is far from these words, probably there are some crazy nuts like me who would not not adhere to these Corporate Lessons and end up messing a lot many things.
Shine on my crazy gene
Life feels weird as of now, marooned in an island of it's own. Everything has move on leaving me behind, maybe that's why they say one needs a dream to hold onto one's insanity. The job is shuffling as I expected and friends moving on with themselves as I always have known. But I guess I will get reasons to smile very soon. Maybe it's in my genes. The bounce back gene ;-)