Trip 2 Shimla
jst back 4m was jst awesome.........chicks on mall road really rock.....
really felt liberated 4m all d shit surrounding my life...mountains r really d call of my pissin shit around wit stupid lecturers,assignments,labs or d fuckin fake smile dat i hv 2 maintain in front of stupid bastards...dear frends dont mind dis is 4 baaal vaalve & andheri....
and also cl classes r goin great....i feel u jst hv to want a thing so much dat u end up gettin dat thing..wimwocky here i come....
also i m feelin really free 4m crap....yeah i jst feel something nice is around d corner....kya mujhe pyar ho jayega..kya mujhe koi khajana mille ga...i dont know...but my initution is always right..
chalo dekho...
i will keep u updated...
One night, after finishing with my studies, I decided to go to sleep. But since I’m suffering from some kind of insomnia these days, I wasn’t particularly sleepy, and decided to finish watching a movie I was watching last week: Philadelphia.
Its an old movie starring Tom Hanks, and for those who don’t know about it, its about a man called Andrew Becket who is a brilliant lawyer with a great future until his law firm discovers he is gay and is suffering from AIDS, and they fire him, although on the pretext that he was incompetent (which they proved by deliberately jeopardising his work). So he decides to go to the court for wrongful termination. After a long and painful court battle, he emerges victorious, and is awarded around 5 million dollars by the jury. However, he is unable to enjoy any of it, cuz he dies soon after.
After I finished watching the movie, which by the way is extremely well made with excellent performances by Denzel Washington and Tom Hanks (a must watch for all those who haven’t seen it yet), I thought about the underlying message in the movie: about the general attitude of people towards homosexuals and AIDS, which could range from strong hatred and disapproval to apathy, to sympathy to.. And who knows… Even empathy.
But there rose a number of questions and concerns in my mind.
Some of us, including myself, feel that there is nothing wrong in being gay, and that it’s ok to hang around with a person suffering from AIDS. We are educated people who know that no way will hanging out with anyone with AIDS will infect us. Or being friends with homosexuals will change our orientation. We can easily say that we are very sensitive and tolerant etc etc. (as long as no one around us is in that position)
However, I wonder, how many of us have actually come across and personally known a gay/AIDS patient?If we were to meet one, are we sure we would not flinch when he shakes hand with us? Or when we have stay with him, eat with him etc.? Would we accept him as easily as we accept other friends? Just cuz he has AIDS?
And what about homosexuality... would the guys be ok with hanging around such a guy? Or would they fear being branded a gay themselves if they hang around one? Would they really make friends with him, have the minimum physical contact with him? Or would they be afraid he may try to take advantage?
Would we accept that our children are gay, happily???? Would we allow them to choose their sexual orientation? How would we react if we come to know tomorrow that our best friend is actually gay? And he wants to "stay with/marry" his partner? Would we still continue the same relation?Would we really?? (Everywhere one can substitute his with her and gay with lesbian)
I'm not even going into the Indian Penal code which says that homosexuality is a CRIME. There are still many many countries in this world where homosexuality is a taboo and gay marriages are banned. But the awareness and tolerance is rising slowly. However as far as individual acceptance and tolerance is concerned, I'm not sure.
If you ask me, I do not have an answer to these questions.
Cuz the fact of the matter is I have never had a very near and dear one suffering from AIDS nor have I ever personally known, seen, talked to a homosexual person. So I don’t know how I would react if someone very close to me was gay and/or had AIDS.
But I do know that we all are glad no one like that is around us.
We make fun of gays, we term every pansy looking guy a gay, and we find it difficult to accept 2 guys holding hands. I don’t know what it says about us. Are we tolerant? Or we pretend to be? Can we really tolerate? Or will this expected tolerance fail when we are faced with such a person in reality?
I don’t know. Do u?
Dil hi dil mein
why does it happen dat all d dreams jst screw themselves..not that i am complaining but still i never able to interpret d dreams that come every now & then...i wud be solving some quant &
my mind wud wander to neverland......... is dis the way it is supposed to be...
seriously i need 2 focus or my mba dreams wud just wither away...ha ha..again dreams....
well the new sem & new subjects sucks as usual,without kurt cobain,mettalica & lp i wud have banged my head on walls of my insti.....
robotics is little interesting but i m simply afraid of intelligent robos so i wud jst mess up...i dont wanna contribute to death of human race...its not dat i m paranoid but after watching believe by chemical brothers i am scarred to death..........
watched forrest gump for nth time last night........Tom hanks is D man...dude his philosphy just rocks..."Dont care a shit about what d world thinks about wat u do..Just work hard according to the job u have""Karam kar fal ki chinta na kar"
also the way his mother teaches him d lesson of life its really interesting..i wish i also had dat blind faith on my mother cuz Parents r always right...yeah its only now that i know but still its not late...i can still be something dat my parents wud be proud of..
also here i am

yeah this is me & also my insti to

and my hostel also 
Well a whole 365 dayz stand in 4nt of us to do smething better 2 our life..... i m done wit my 5th sem xms & went hme after like wat ....2 & dad were doin gr8.......& so is delhi.....
metro was really an njoyable experience....
met a whole lot of frends who had cme 4m even far off places den was nice meetin old frends...tells dat i still belong nowhere....
Jst lazed around a lot in hme....watched moviez like der is no eyes r blood red.....
practicals were real fun........ab to aadat si ho gayi hai external ke samne chullu bhar paani mein doobne ki........dis time i had thought dat i wud study & nt give even a fleeting chance to examiner to rape me but in d end it was d same story....
But life moves on....wat happens if u dont get gud sleep 4 abt 20 dayzzzzzzz..
2006 is CAT year 4 me as well my 6 month internship.........really need to go on overdrive...
life is gettin beautiful by day,,,no luv shuv,,,but really lukin 4ward 2 wat the destiny holds 4 me...
is der a auto-correction facility available???....
ok i agree i screwed up a lot many things but i really need a break 4m sanity....
so dis year is the begining of my fight against sanity,,,,i think everthing needs to be done in a different manner...dat wud be difficult but chalte hai attitude seriously is bull shit...
also screw communists mind u only stupid indian left parties who really r the biggest suckers on this earth...chinese 1 r kewl...imagine if india is run by professionals,,,,it wud be jst gr8...
new semester has started & i m really bugged by the stillnes surrounding dis place..smetimes it feels like mourge...yuk..........
but d fault is of no is jst collective suicide.....
gotta go...
see ya