Ego Trips
why d hell i dont have d guts of Howard Roark to just blast off this damn shitty institute from d face of this earth....dunot b scared i m a shitless guy...No Bombs...No Explosives....i m scared to shit by voilence....but i will have my revenge...maybe ....uuuhhhmmm...
kya idea earth se IET-bhaddal ka namo-nishan mita diya jayega...i think it involves just hackin the servers & something like that only,,,lets hone up my programming skills...
the latest crap is some stupid industrial trip which is kinda compulsary but i do not wanna waste 5 days travellin to & fro GOA That to in a damned indian railways nor wanna hang out with d pigs of my insti nor wanna miss my cat prep classes....
man why d heck every1 makes out such a hullaboo about this 10 day trip...
the fucker sharma is a real pain in ass...
bhupi has made it a ego trip...
"Agar aap nahi jayege to aapko heavy fine hoaga ANd aapke cp ke no. bhi katege.."""
Crap man wat d hell is wrong with him...k,,,he is my **** & i respect him but eat bullshit man...
if u mess with me....u would bathe in piss & shit...
also aaj don ne 1 aur stinkin comment mara...what d heck man...if u r half mad dog controlled by a bitch & have bulging muscles it seriously doesnt give u d damn right to speak <& behave>like a GodFather....
u r gonna die,,,but no..this is Punjab veere,,,"MIGHT IS RIGHT"
chal i dont wanna care about this shit much....
also 1 cute photo of mine

yeah dats me..yuppi...cudnt beleive rocks ....
Reds & Blues
went thru a lot last week...damn sessionals...dey go on 4 d whole week & really fill shit in ur head..aaahhaa running around 4 notes,syllabi,,,sleep,,,a little bugging....but tells a lot abt my latent capabilities..cant even imagine i have so much 3 hours of some kind of power study i was able to go thru almost 150 pages of crap & den vomit it out another 4 hours later....
man dis is d power of urgency...i know i may have not really understood d basics but come on once i clear d exam no one is really gonna ask how d heck a robot goes pissin d tools around..dis is just 1 example...
does any1 really care wat type of learnin we get...d big ans is NO...all engineers are bonafide muggers,,,
atleast I am...but come on look on d bright side...we indians wud make great clerks for american & western companies...we wud bye cokes,nikes,levi's,eat at mc donald's,hang out in short we would enjoy our life....there will be rights for freedom of our life style if get a great job...
real strange haan dat we despise america but just love americans & the way they live...
Long Live America...
give us jobs and nuclear power plants we give u cheap labour,,,,,wierd as it may seem ...this is d reality...
also i think i should open up a consulting firm....more on dis a way helped sme1 real smart get more kiddin...
Wats Goin on!!!
hey all,,,life is really like a jalebi rit now...
man i feel i belong nowhere...constant rambling of ppl jst gets up on my mind & my brain jst refuses to process all d crap so my heart ends up pumping all d shit in my body..yo i m being poisoned by dis place..smebody plz save me..but life has to move on,i must constantly strive to do gud & better things,well my batch wanna go to goa 4 a so called Industrial tour
& i m sure everybody jst goin 4 gettin screwed & high..i dont feel puttin everything on hold 4 10 days & jst land up in goa,,i m sure life wud allow me a lot of vacations if really make it at a gud place..
well i also decided to get a job cuz i want to reassure worth of my myself & allow my mom a savin grace wen her saheli's r crumbing abt wat her son/daughter r i have let my parents down,,dis self doubt really eats me down,,
everything shud not be laced with ulterior motives..why i think like a blob all time,,this will have to change..jst a whiff of freah air is gonna rev everything up..
also number systems is really refreshing..fells gud doin things wat we did as kids,,Back to Basics..haan
now-a-days watchin movies like no tmrw..doom was jst an awesome example of action tactics..first player shooting is brilliantly executed..dah dah...
well i chose a project on digital signal processing,,man really OHT,,,wud need to put days & hours in dat..
ne1 can help me.,.
see yup :~>