a little PINK FLOYD for me and her
I think Coming Back To Life.... 
Lost in thought and lost in time
While the seeds of life and the seeds of change were planted
Outside the rain fell dark and slowWhile I pondered on this dangerous but irresistible pastimeI took a heavenly ride through our silence I knew the moment had arrivedFor killing the past and coming back to life.. ==========================================================Thi
s post is in memory of my life who feels that there is nothing between us,,,
but my heart reaches out for every smile n word of her... Ms Smile how I wish U were here...
I will love you 4evr... U can come & go anytime U want....
Mock CaT-Mocking Scores
yeah God I know that CAT is on 19th nov. & I dont have much idea what I gonna come up in d next 109 ought 108 dayz.. Ofcourse I gotta sleep, watch movies and star world, bath, eat and other elementry activities... Guess what my training manager at NTPC refuses to recognise me and the gate keeper of Cl-Cp makes booring faces when I enter the centre... Am proceeding to child state according to Dr. Thomas A. Harris,,, it's weird to try to understand transactional analysis ... n weirder still is tryin to implement dat stuff dis guy sayz to ur life... D'oh am real dumb I assume....
It's raining In delhi
first week of july was all about crazy heat wave &
our great govt. n power companies short-changing
us again...
But I hope Everything is gonna get better,,,
As the drizzling wines from the sky sly my mind,Am ledged on the edges of infinite sky,Enjoy the sweet rain,Forget all the pain.
Letting GO............
hopes have a strange quality of striking atmost amazing hours.....--------------------------------Letting Go..-------------------------Loving you is hard to do,But letting go is even harder too,I try my best to hide,the feelings,deep within inside.But my pals around me know,that you are near,seeing my eyes glow,I know you dont like it this way,So you always turn around and move away.Beleive me I can't help,nothing I can do,Even though I know,you don't love me,the way I love you.Still there's hope,someday maybe someday,You will turn back and come this way.Else,there's one thing I want you to do,Just come for once,and tell me how do I stop loving you?But if you think even that's too much I'm asking for.Then forgive me,I'll just have to keep loving you from my hearts core.Thought itwont be easy,loving you and seeing you go,But with time I'll learn to live with it,atleast I hope so...-------------------------------------------------------------
The Riddle
It's tough to prioritise when one's struck in a storm... gettin no job,,,,doin bad in mock cat.... my girl hell bent on being not my girl,,, i guess I have it bad,,, But the basic riddle of life I presume is to find happiness, peace and love from the madness of dis strange world.... THis is a strange world... God waits for his temple to be built of love whereas THE man brings bricks & stones...
AM back
Hey folks...Life going good...six months at home after three years in hostel....just lost out another interview at tech mahindra... jeez.. I should write a book " How to clear written tests and Then fail in interviews,,: '" am i sooooooooo dumb...god knows... cchal watch out dis space for some xplosive action... Love u all...