Ginni Ban gaya Gentleman
Nowadays I feel I have acquired psychic abilities. Like I am able to assertain what tulsi & other bharitya naari of Ekta kapoor serial are gonna do & say when there new son or daughter emerges from amnesia and comes home after 10 years asking alms..
BTW "She Fucking Hates ME" Cool..isn't it..
something I got from blogthing,,,regarding me..
You Should Get a MBA (Masters of Business Administration) |
 You're a self starter with a drive for success. You'd make a great entrepreneur. |
Hoonhar putt ke hot chikne pat... *had just scrapped through hindi in school ,don't mind*
Inane Insane Musings (IIMs :`>)
Sometimes I cry for all the wrong reasons
Obviously I smile for all the right reasons
Sometimes My eyes swell, my throat lumps
Obviously I laugh till my lungs give up
Sometimes I fight, scream and shout
Obviously I just give up and laugh
Sometimes it's just me & my love
Obviously it's all about her and hate
Sometimes I feel like giving up
Obviously I stand tall and resolve to win myself from her world
Sometimes it's not about winning & losing
Obviously it's all about who never won & who always lost.
Another Time<<>>Another Place
Finally I have decided to think,,, Decided to charge my faulty diodes & transistors.. replace churned resistors & capacitors.. re-wire the whole system.. basically decided to start watching NACH ZHALIYE more regularly & take active part in sms polls.. Well this transformation is painful.. u know like visiting barber for getting my nose hair plucked *he failed*,, also giving up my favourite saas-bahu serials & stop behaving like himesh reshamiya...BTW Im his biggest fan.. I also wear cap lke this fella & still singgggggggggggggggggggg crap.. kudos..
basically put.. Im moving on.. 20 year old... final year,,, ,engineering grad,, In search of naukri & then chaukri,,, well N & C r not a n compulsion,,, par khandaan ke namm ko aage propagate karna hai,,, :)
So expect a new improved,, mitti ke tel se maalish kiya gaya,, fantastic idiot.. jASprIt

Many things make me say Duh & I feel that this American English Slang Exclamation has saved my izzat in many equations & situations.. The cribbing & psychic babbling that I usually I indulge in makes people believe that Im some kind of a super-cool thanda-thanda dude.. But surely Im unable to comprehend the raison d'etre responsible for all the sanity surrounding dis world..
I don't know what Im writing or why am I writing.. As the title said "D'uh"
Taga-tag Chal meri basanti
Im surfing & other matrimonial sites & looking for match for EKTA kapoor.. Well she deserves to get the taste of pesticides she has been spraying in my living room...Also Pizza Hut guy didn't threw in discount coupons which he usually does & Im starving :( Im googling d recipe to make coffee real strong & delecious.. I plan to beat BARISTA & CCD at their own game :P . Well ShD has awarded me a WEIRDO tag & Im thinking of what would happen as clock strikes 2:30 am.. I gotta save d world.. cuz it's gonna be morning in America & they need spiderman..
In this tag I am supposed to list 6 traits I consider weird about myself.. Weird as a matter of lexicon is an amazing covers up my mental deficiencies & physical exagragations.. :)
1) My parents work in a bank, massi & maussa work in a bank..both of my mama'g's work in a bank.. As a kid I used to think bank to be some kind of a MAFIA gang.. Cuz every uncle-aunty I met was somehow related to some bank.. Bank took up the notion of being d places where sleaze cash deals were undertaken.. typists typed furiously the amount paid by every businessman for protection & smugglers kept their booty in the lockers.. I even thought dad was the operator of a cartel of buildeers when some construction work was going on at our home.. At parent-teacher meetings every fourth saturday, teachers would look at parents in awe,,wailing & begging for their attention to my over the top antics in class pulling the plaits of D,DV,JG & Gb,, stealing the lunch of my friends.. drinking ink... etc..etc..
As I grew up I finally came face to reality & feel that bank r d places where keep standing in line just to be told that computers crashed..
2) I order butter chicken with butter naan at chinese resturant.. I know any self-respecting chinese would rather commit suicide at the mention of my order but I have talked the manager of bercos into atleast think about introducing sarson da saag in menu as some long lost dish of a long lost chinese island inhabited by proud punjabis who don't know their heritage..
3) All of my friends take me as one jovial surdy who can crack jokes on the most impossible situations & my timing is supposed to be coordinated with an atomic clock.. WHAT I think that many people are just dumb enough not to appreciate the uniqueness & happiness of every possibility... Maybe the opposite is true.. ladies r not an engima 2 me :)
I can be very SAD & DEPRESSED sometimes.. & usually it doesn't show to anybody.. they still think Im happy & raring to go,, If I try to share that sad fixtures with someone,,he/she just looks me as Im himesh reshamiya.. even Ms. Smile just junked me wen my pandora of jokes was over,,I have no one share my fears even though I share worries of my peeps..I have reduced my expectations from all of them & im happy helping everyone out while Im myself struck in quicksand & sinking :(
4)I love eating melting ice-cream,, I would mash d ice-cream till it's reduced to small poodles floating like fish in a pond.. :~> & then gobble it in one go.
5) As long as I remember I have always been considered intelligent by everyone but ask my maa how lost I can be.. I once wore her rings mistakingly assuming it to be a good-luck charm & she blamed my dad for gifting it to someone("_),, I have burnt & smouldered many vessels in which I left milk to heat up for coffee or tea while I headbanged to metallica.. or when In standard 12th when we supposed to do some experiment with phenol.. as it didn't come out easily ,, I just used my nails & *soft* hands to scrap some of it out of the jar,, RESULT: BLISTERED fingers with no nails :( ouch.. In vivas I have brought out inane theories & extrapolated einstein's theory of relativity.. the examiner has a tough time deciphering d barage of non-related non-sense I spew out in response 2 most simple of questions..
6) I do believe that the zodiac sign of the person help shade his/her personality.. I make a point to compare the person's trait to supposed charateristics of his/her sun-sign.. this may not be true..I read & reread my daily, weekly,quarterely,half-yearly & yearly horoscope :)) & try to find the similarities,, believe me It has matched many a time...
I emerge a happier guy after penning the above crap.. I would still not sleep cuz I had coffee a hour before & I gotta catch up many things.. Last month's 23rd was an eye-opener.. the adage
"Sometimes your closest friend is your greatest enemy." played right out in front of my eyes... I was insulted & molested by her words.. but thanx god,, I finally got to know what more to expect from life.. life's tough.. but Im tougher..
For as long as I can remember,she has given me company for the past four or five years.I can't even recall when she came knocking on my door or perhaps I left one window open and she just came uninvited with the breeze.
I saw in her a trusted companion,someone to share my solitude with.But now things are changing and I want her to go away.Like dreams we try to pursue and dreams we wish away,now I am asking her to leave and she just won't.She says I will be lonely without her and that I should stay awake.But I can't.It's taking a huge toll on me; she refuses to let me sleep.
SHE IS INSOMNIALife is becoming a struggle.I used to welcome her with open arms but now it's time for her to leave.She is just not ready to.Now there is reason for me to go to sleep and to greet the morning sun.Will you please help me explain to her my grievances?
In other words,Someone please help me get some sleep( And no,I do not want to resort to sleeping pills as that is not an option)
Let me be Insomnia!Please Please let me be